USA and Canada! See you in/near your town in May/June! Tickets are on sale now at the link below.
Buffalo Daughter North American Tour 2023 *all dates with babybaby_explores
May 24 Public Records, Brooklyn, NY 🎟NYTix🎟
May 26 Johnny Brenda’s, Philadelphia, PA 🎟PhilllyTix🎟
May 27 L’Esco, Montreal, QC 🎟MontrealTix🎟
May 28 The Garrison, Toronto, ON 🎟TrontoTix🎟
May 29 Schuba’s, Chicago, IL 🎟ChicagoTix🎟
May 30 X-Ray Arcade, Cudahy, WI 🎟CudahyTix🎟
May 31 7th St Entry, Minneapolis, MN 🎟MinneapolisTix🎟
June 3 Substation, Seattle, WA 🎟SeattleTix🎟
June 4 Doug Fir, Portland, OR 🎟PortlandTix🎟
June 6 Resident, Los Angeles, CA 🎟LATix🎟
June 7 Cafe Du Nord, San Francisco, CA 🎟SanFranciscoTix🎟